Puerto Rico Income Tax Income Tax Instructions
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Puerto Rico Income Tax Instruction Booklet Updated 11/-0001 |
Printable Puerto Rico Income Tax Income Tax Instructions
Forma Corta is the general income tax form for Puerto Rico residents. These Instructions will help you fill out and file Forma Corta. For more information about the Puerto Rico Income Tax, see the Puerto Rico Income Tax page.
Puerto Rico may also allow you to e-file your Income Tax Instructions instead of mailing in a hard copy, which could result in your forms being received and processed faster. For more details, read more about the Puerto Rico e-filing program.
Document Source: http://www.hacienda.gobierno.pr/downloads/pdf/planillas/INST_INDIVIDUOS_2013.pdf
View Other Puerto Rico Tax Forms

Individual Income Tax ReturnForma Corta is the general income tax form for Puerto Rico residents.

Income Tax Instruction BookletForma Corta is the general income tax form for Puerto Rico residents. These Instructions will help you fill out and file Forma Corta.